Familie von Downlight-Einbauleuchten für Akzentbeleuchtung.
Die Leuchte kann um 30° vertikal und um 355° horizontal rotiert werden, um die Beleuchtung in jede beliebiege Ausrichtung zu lenken. Modulare Leuchte mit Aussenringen in verschiedenen Oberflächen, leicht montier- und austauschbar mit verschiedenen Abstrahlwinkeln.
1x LED COB22W1400lmdirect adjustable 15°2700Kaccording to driver600mA
90F20ø12,2x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m
1x LED COB22W1400lmdirect adjustable 15°3000Kaccording to driver600mA
90F20ø12,2x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m
1x LED COB22W1400lmdirect adjustable 35°2700Kaccording to driver600mA
90F20ø12,2x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m
1x LED COB22W1400lmDirect adjustable 35°3000Kaccording to driver600mA
> 90F20ø12,2x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m
1x LED COB22W1400lmDirect adjustable 15°2700Kaccording to driver600mA
> 90F20ø13,8x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m
1x LED COB22W1400lmdirect adjustable 15°3000Kaccording to driver600mA
90F20ø13,8x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m
1x LED COB22W1400lmdirect adjustable 35°2700Kaccording to driver600mA
90F20ø13,8x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m
1x LED COB22W1400lmdirect adjustable 35°3000Kaccording to driver600mA
90F20ø13,8x15,5cmdriver and ring not included, orientable spot, anti light loss system, trimless recessed hole Ø 130mm, depth 200mm, trim recessed hole Ø 125mm, depth 200mm, cable length 0,4m